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Singapore's First

Teacher Training For Tutors

Learn From MOE-Trained Instructors


Teaching Excellence
is the Art We Teach

Stamford Classroom helps current and future private tutors pursue teaching mastery.


Our MOE-inspired curriculum equips private tutors with skills and strategies to unlock their students' fullest potential.


Our courses are designed not just to inform but to transform—equipping you with tools and techniques you can implement right away to enhance both your teaching style and your students' learning experiences.


Great Teachers are Made

The transformation from a knowledgeable individual to a great teacher requires more than just subject expertise; it demands a deep understanding of pedagogy, the science of teaching.


The ability to inspire, engage, and empower students is systematically developed through structured learning and practical application.


Teaching mastery is pursued through rigorous training and continuous learning.


Private Tutors

Whether you're just starting out or already a seasoned tutor, our courses are tailored to enhance your teaching methodology.


We provide you with the skills needed to create impactful, personalized learning experiences.


Our training helps you to stand out in a competitive market, ensuring your services are sought after for the profound educational impact you deliver.

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Tuition Centres

For tuition centres aiming to build a reputation of excellence, our training programs are the cornerstone of your tutors' professional development.


Our MOE-trained educators help you build a team adept in the latest pedagogical strategies and equipped to nurture academic excellence.


Stamford Classroom is your partner in cultivating a team as exceptional as the students you serve.


Parents are the first and often most influential teachers in the journey of lifelong learning.


Our training programs offer insight into the art of teaching, providing you with the tools to guide and inspire your child's education at home.


Discover methods to unlock your child's potential and foster a love for learning that goes beyond the classroom.

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Pedagogical strategies to optimize your tutoring

1. Classroom Management

Learn to create an organized and conducive learning environment that encourages optimal student engagement and minimizes disruptions.


Our practical approaches help you manage diverse classroom dynamics effectively, ensuring every session is productive and focused.

2. Instructional Strategies

Develop your ability to deliver content in ways that resonate with every student.


We cover a variety of teaching methods tailored to different learning styles, enhancing your adaptability and efficacy.

3. Stakeholder Management

Learn how to inspire and motivate students, while managing relationships with parents and fellow educators.


Our training includes techniques for increasing student engagement through motivational strategies and effective communication, ensuring all stakeholders are aligned for the student's success.

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4. Curriculum Design & Assessment

Gain skills in developing curricula that align with educational standards and goals. Understand the importance of continuous assessment and how to provide constructive feedback.


This module will equip you to plan lessons strategically, conduct meaningful assessments, and use feedback to drive continual student improvement.


Subject-Specific Training

Beyond the fundamental pedagogical skills, we offer specialized instruction in teaching subjects, including English, Math, and Science, across primary and secondary schools.


Our targeted approach ensures that you are prepared to meet the unique challenges of your teaching subject.

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Tutor Training
is All We Do

Singapore's premier academy for tutor training, Stamford Classroom is staffed entirely by highly-skilled educators.


Our team, featuring MOE teachers and university lecturers, brings over 50 years of combined teaching experience. We have received advanced training in Human Capital Leadership and are private tutors ourselves. Our instructors have been awarded the National Caring Teacher Award and prestigious MOE scholarships.


We believe:


  • Teaching excellence transforms subject-matter experts into impactful tutors


  • All students deserve tutors who can teach


  • Parents investing in private tuition deserve quality teachers



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